Today we had a friendly visitor in the form of a large black exotic bird from the rainforest. According to the friendly staff at Big Blue, which is where we are staying, this bird never comes to this part of the island. They speculate that it must be sick or lost or abandoned. But it is so beautiful and so friendly and not at all afraid of people.
The restaurant staff have been feeding it papaya, and the bird tried to pass me a piece in with it’s large beak.
This is the same day, we were lucky enough to see an eclipse in the middle of the afternoon. The bungalow owners brought out what looked like a welding mask so that we could see it, and it was just incredible!
The view from our bungalows is just lovely. Here is a shot of Sebastien helping the locals push a boat back to shore early in the morning. The sky looks incredible, and the weather is so warm.
Oh yes, I forgot to mention we also have these amazing tropical birds, and even bunny rabbits at The Big Blue. They are so friendly, and every morning I see these gorgeous butterflies with beautiful colorings I’ve never seen before.
Please bear with me, as I am still figuring out how to blog.
There’s so much that happens everyday that I could go on forever!