The planning behind this trip can be daunting. Today I feel good about making a dent on the seemingly neverending list of tasks.
Get photos taken for Chinese Visa Application (pictured above)- check.
Set up skype account www.skype.com - check.
I am super stoked about being able to chat with friends via video for free! This may date me but my first memory of video chatting was from watching The Jetsons! And I never thought it would be possible.
Set up appointment with financial advisor. My email went something like this
"Yay my ticket is booked! You're not going to like this but ...." check and check.
Anyway enough with the mundane tasks. Tonight I'm off to see my man, DJ Ceebas play at the local radio station (102.7 FM) between 12-2 AM in case you want to listen in. It sounds pretty amazing so far and I'm so proud of him.