It has been a while and I have to say I am FINALLY starting to feel settled and comfortable back in my own environment. It has been such a rewarding experience to finally have the time to look over the ratty and worn journals that I have carried with me for the past year. Finding these treasures and gems captured in writing which I hold near and dear to my heart.
“We’ve got a passion. It’s called peace.”

It has been an amazing journey and now that I have had a couple of months to reflect I am eternally grateful for the experience.
Every bit of effort, resistance I had in going away, every single penny that I had spent was totally worth it. And I am so thankful to have had the luxury to experience the experiences felt.
There was no sacrifice. Even the most difficult times were there for a reason. I am so lucky to be on the path I am on. So lucky to be surrounded by authentic people who are so supportive and loving.
What more can I ask for?
Since I have been home, I have been keeping myself busy. I’ve started teaching yoga which has been a journey unto itself. I very much wanted to keep the yoga alive in my life and was experiencing a struggle because Vancouver is known to be a competitive place for yoga teachers.
I’ve started teaching at a gorgeous day spa called Befresh. It’s located in a funky up and coming part of the town in Gastown Vancouver. The owner, Marco is super cool, has an amazing artistic vision where the sky is the limit. He is on it in terms of promotion, and is really excited about starting a yoga program with me.
I’ve also started working in Internet marketing and social media at October 17 Media. It’s a really flexible job that I absolutely love and allows me to teach yoga. I feel I am learning so much! Web marketing is such an interesting
area to be in right now, and the owners Tamara and Brenda are amazing to work with. They are so full of integrity, and embody a passion in what they do. I’m really excited to be a part of this company. I think the common theme in all my endeavours is I really like the idea that I can help people and make a difference in some way. At October 17, I truly believe in the service that we offer and that we can help businesses create a buzz, and generate more business which is really exciting!
And my third area of work, is at The Eatery. The Eatery is a cornerstone in my life. It has been there for me during all my ups and downs over the past five years. It’s a really cool place to work, there’s a camaraderie there with the staff that has been unmatched in any job I have ever been to. It’s like a family, but with way cooler parties! The food is amazing, and Randy has been so amazing in allowing me to come back after spurts of travel, and always being a guy I can count on for a good reference no matter what.

This week I am auditioning at YYoga which I am really nervous about. The process is really intense but I am sharing this with you – so hopefully you can send some positive energy my way. I am thankful even to get an audition there because they have really made a name for themselves in just a few years.
And I figure the experience is invaluable. So even if I don’t get on right away, I’ll be able to learn and come back at some point. Enjoy the journey right?

In my moments of reflection, I just really wanted to throw out a few shout outs to people who were really important to me in my journey. I figure it’s appropriate for a last entry into my travel blog.
Lily, my teacher who I learnt so much from. Your enthusiasm and passion for yoga is infectious. Thank you for being so patient and loving with me, while still staying true to what you believed in your practice.
Sebastian Bruno – Thank you for awakening that playfulness in me with Acroyoga. Those were amazing times we had together. Thank you for being a solid source of support during my yoga training, you were always a great source of light no matter what the situation. I really do cherish your presence in my life.
My yoga colleagues: You were like family to me. Thank you for your energy and all that you contributed to the training. I feel a special bond with you guys, and I feel it even more strongly now that I am home.
Kate & Lily – You guys are my yogini sisters and I am so grateful that you came into my life. So many great laughs and so many great moments! My heart warms at the thought of you. Kate, thank you for your yoga flow playlist, it is invaluable to me.
James - Thank you for being you and having my back no matter what. I appreciate you and your amazing humour no matter what the situation. I can`t wait to see you this month!
Katie – My Canadian travel partner. Thank you for being there for me and being my guide, my sister, and best friend abroad. We shared so many good times, great shopping and drunken nights!
Gelareh – My best friend and soul sister. Thank you for being so supportive and proud of me every step of the way. I didn't`t see you for the entire year but I always felt your presence.
Jen – My sister. You are so sweet and I appreciated how you have always been there for me.
Farshad – Thank you for being such a great lesson in my life. You have been so generous and encouraging of me on this trip. You really pushed for me to start a blog, get a netbook and an SLR camera for the trip, which I wouldn't`t have done on my own coming from a place of scarcity. But at the end of the day, it brought so much joy to my trip and I am so happy that I did it.
Joe – I don`t know you very well but I want you to know that you really touched me with the brief conversation we had at Geys bar. I really felt your love and your genuine acceptance of me. Thank you for being so awesome and I really hope that I will get to see more of you in the coming years. You are so talented with your music, your photography and your general passion for life. You are a true source of inspiration.
And finally to my fiance Sebastien. Thank you for trusting me to go away without you. You are a true picture of love and support. We have such great times together, time has flown by so quickly while we have been together and it has been a great ride. I look forward to growing old with you, harmoniously. You are my best friend and true life companion and I love what we have together.

Thank you for following my blog, and sharing in my experiences. It has been so amazing when you guys come up to me and remind me of an awesome part of my trip.
I am going to be starting a yoga blog in the near future, and I hope to utilize all the social media elements that I have been learning. So watch my Facebook for that if you are interested.
In gratitude and so much love,
xo phyllis